Monday 5 April 2010

So, this image is similiar I guess to the tattooed sleeve on my left arm; or so some think. Autumn leaves and autumn colours! I love nothing more!

This picture hangs on the wall of Mantra tattoo studio; originally I started to draw it up as tattoo flash yet it finnished life as a stand alone painting.

I have to say that it lacks the intricate detail that I love to endulge in, but that 'comic book' style detail doesn't suit a piece like this; originally intended as a potential tattoo for somebody.

None the less, I think this design is pretty cool; in that it's very true to the stuff I love to draw!

Kissed by a rose.

I love to draw roses! Though, rarely am I happy with them; when I am, I'll look at them a few months later and I'll hate them!

This rose, painted on canvas with acrylic was a Mothers day present.

Again, looking at it now, there are things I'm not happy with, things I'd change, things I could have done better!

However, over all, I'm pretty happy with it's turn out; I don't often paint with acrylics and when I do I like to paint kinda' sloppy and dirty and use aerosals for a 'graphic' effect.

All that really matters though, is that my Mum loves it! My Nan also, so guess I've gotta' paint another!

Now this is a portrait 100% in my own style! This is how I love to draw; although, looking at this image now, I'm sure I'd make a few changes were I to draw it today.

This is Laura, my beautiful girlfriend.


Similarly to a few posts below, this is a portrait of Penny, my girlfriend's cat. I drew this up for her as a Christmas present!

I honestly wasn't sure if I captured an accurate likeness; though Laura assurs me that I have!

By the way, Penny hates me!


So this is Rorschach from the Watchmen graphic novel by Alan Moore, recently a massive movie!

Although this is obviously based on works that have come before and was influenced by other Watchmen imagery; I pretty much just let myself go and drew this up the way I love to draw!

I recently sold this image too; part of me wishes I kept hold of it! Though, I'm sure one day I'll draw up some Rorschach imagery again as I love the character! Watch this space.

This is a portrait I did of my beloved dog Jack! Now again, this isn't strictly a concise portrait; as portrait work isn't really my forte, so this is very much a portrait in my own style and I think you can tell.

I actually drew this up; not only because I love my dog, but because I love him so much I wanted to get a tattoo of him! This image is tattooed on my leg!

This is something I drew up a while ago, it isn't purely from my own imagination, it is based on a panel from the Captain Britain comic book, a recent series that was sadly cancelled; as I bloody loved it!

Anyway, this panel in the comic book where Brian (Captain Britain) is reunited with his 'Hearts Desire', his lost wife struck a bit of a chord with me, hence why I felt the need to draw it up like I have.

In the comic, Brian believes his reunion with his wife to be fake, a hallucination of what he really wants; he does not know that is is for real and turns his back on her!

Finding my feet.

So this is it, my first blog post!

Well, what a weekend I've had; been great to have some time off, if only an extra day, over the easter period. I've had a great time with friends and girlfriend, Laura and dog, Jack.

My only regret is that I've not had any serious time to dedicate to drawing, though in the very same breath, it's been lovely to take a break from everything! I have endulged in long dog walks, a trip to the cinema; most impressed with the Clash of the Titans re-make by the way, the original was a favourite of mine! Plus, other geeky delights in the shape of a new series of Dr Who!

I've eaten my average years intake of chocolate in a few days, what with confectionery eggs and ice creams in the park, where it is to be said, I met a bit of a 'born again Christian' nutter whom I could not get away from! Nothing against born again Christians for that matter, I just don't particularly like being preached too, but this guy really was a sandwich short of a picnic.

Anyway, so that was my weekend in a nutshell! I'll shall be sure to post artwork pics shortly.